

“The Egyptian Liver Foundation launches monthly medical caravans to screen for hepatitis viruses and detect early liver cancer lesions in remote villages and hamlets, especially in provinces where the foundation does not have branches. This initiative aims to ensure access to as many citizens as possible and provide free services to those in need.”


“On Sunday, July 31, 2016, the Egyptian Liver Foundation celebrated the declaration of Meit Badr Halawa village in Samannoud district, Gharbia Governorate, as the largest Egyptian village free from hepatitis C. The village has a population of 40,000 residents.

The celebration was attended by Major General Ahmed Deif Saqr, the Governor of Gharbia, Dr. Philippa Easterbrook, responsible for hepatitis virus control at the World Health Organization, as well as local leaders, parliament deputies, media professionals, religious figures, and the villagers.

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